Monday, March 4, 2013


So I'm sure I'm only one of... well, probably tens of thousands that have done this these days, but that doesn't really matter. After all, I'm not them, and just because a thing has been done before doesn't mean it doesn't have merit. So here we are.

My name's Matthew, and this will be a blog for me. There's no set theme, other than the things I like. The only schedule I'm reaching for is that I'm going to try and post every day. And hopefully every day will see something interesting pop up here for people to read and enjoy.

So I guess that begs a question: If this blog will be about what I'm interested in, what am I interested in? Well, I'm a sci-fi/fantasy nerd, a bibliophile and movie-lover, and I enjoy gaming of many various kinds. I'm a writer and videographer, I've got a weird sense of humor, and perhaps most importantly I'm a Christian. So you may find everything on here from a movie review to a wargame army list, from a book review to a rant on politics or morality. If I get motivated, you may even find a short story or a video on here.

So there you have it, folks. It's gonna be a fun ride, I hope.

Hold on tight.

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